iOS Apps

Qualcomm Museum tour app

Using Qualcomm Bluetooth Low Energy devices, I wrote an iOS application to present Qualcomm museum and to help positioning the device inside it, in order to suggest to the user location-based contents.

Different layouts and UX for iPhone and iPad. Graphics for the App has been designed by UX team and therefore I coded customized widgets.

Due to confidentiality I cannot expose much on the Web. But please contact me if you wish to know more about it.

I started developing for iOS at work, for concept proof demo and prototyping.

Therefore most of the apps I wrote are not in iTunes market place.

However it is possible to see some of them "in actions" at the following video links:

TED Amsterdam
(from min 5:10 up to 6:40)

Novalia Switch

This application connects automatically via BLE to Novalia's card.

In the App Settings it is possible to set up the BLE profile name, to connect it to different cards.

The user will go to the Settings screen of the app and chose one between:

. Jazz View (the app will allow a Jazz jam session: when pressing a button in the card an instrument will be switched on/off);

. Revolucion View (the app will allow a Latin Music jam session: when pressing a button in the card an instrument will be switched on/off);

. iTunes player View (the user will select an iTunes playlist and then through the card he/she can send commands for play/pause, stop, next, previous, volume up and volume down);

. Favourite 8 tracks (the user will select an iTunes list and then each button in the card will start play one specific song, i.e: button 1 = song 1 in the play list);

. Twitter (the user will enter and edit 8 twitter messages. When pressing a button in the card the corresponding message will be sent through his/her Twitter account).

A video from this app can be seen in here (use the password: "Novalia").

App on iTunes:

Novalia Revolucion

A Novalia postcard shows several instrument.

The application connects to the postcard automatically. When touching an instrument in the card, the same one starts playing on the iPhone/iPad, when touching it again it stops. Every instrument joins at the proper time so that everyone can have a latin music jam session!

Technology used: Bluetooth Low Energy; audio player

App on iTunes:

Novalia Jazz

A Novalia posters shows instrument for a jazz band.

When touching the poster the same instrument starts playing on the iPad, when touching it again it stops. Every instrument joins at the proper time so that everyone can have a jazz jam session!

Technology used: Bluetooth Low Energy; audio player

Novalia Cake

A Novalia cake poster asks questions when interacting with it.

The user answers by touching it in the specific places for each answer.

The iPad collects the answers and computes a profile and based on that publishes on Facebook the name and picture of a user favourite cake! Technology used: Bluetooth Low Energy; email smtp library